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Welness Appliances



1. Will Z-2000 and Z-3000 still work without SensorPod?

Yes, the Z-2000 and the Z-3000 can operate in manual mode without the SensorPod air quality monitor.  In auto-mode, paired with SensorPod, the Z-2000 and Z-3000 purifiers adapt to the air quality readings and optimise the air quality in the room.

2. Why buy a purifier that is rated higher than your room size?

Air purifiers often have a recommended room size to guide the purchase decision. The rating is based on how many times the air in a room gets turned over. Buying a larger purifier means that it can turn the air in a smaller room more frequently.  This may be especially helpful for people with higher sensitivities to air pollution.

3. When to change the filters or UV light?

The air purifier is equipped with filter replacement indicators that will notify user when it is time to replace the Carbon or HEPA filter, or the UV light. Plan on replacing:

Carbon filter – roughly every 3-4 months
HEPA filter – roughly every 12-15 months
UV light – roughly every 1-3 years